Lukas Haitzmann – Team member of Pedal 4 Parks

Lukas Haitzmann’s Biography:

Lukas Heitzmann Pedal4Parks TeamLukas Haitzmann is the team’s Head of media, an endurance athlete, and the youngest person to row the Atlantic Ocean solo.

At 20 years old, he currently studies Mechanical Engineering at Swansea University.

However, as a child, Lukas struggled in school due to Dyslexia. This made him miss out on sports and his favourite subjects as he was taken aside to help him learn to read and write.

Lukas mentions how this was a bit defeating as he missed out on the things that typically make school fun for a kid. Eventually he had a turning point where at 18 years old he committed to rowing 3,000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean, completely alone and unassisted, in the Talisker Whiskey challenge.

Lukas spent almost 2 months alone at sea, rowing for 16 hours a day, for what seemed like an eternity.

This challenge sparked his interest in extreme sports and adventures as it offered a different challenge to the one he had become accustomed to – dyslexia and surviving school.

Alex realised the importance of challenging oneself on a regular basis and jumping out of his comfort zone. He decided to join this cycle trip as he strongly stands behind the crucial message of the team’s challenge, and has no doubt he’ll learn a lot from it.

He explains that for him, the opportunities for growth and the exponential learning curve far outweighs any negatives.

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