How to Fix a Flat Bike Tire – Comprehensive Guide By Experts

Tutorial fixing a flat tire

Most bikes will run for a long time before getting a flat tire. But it happens to all the bike rider, and eventually, when it catches on, you will need to know the skills on how to fix a flat bike tire.

Fixing a flat bike tire is perhaps one of the easiest jobs though it can prove to be complicated if you do not have any idea of how it is done properly. For you to know how to change a flat bike tire, you only need to be master of a few simple steps, and you will have all the info you need to do it.

How to Fix a Flat Bike Tire

 Process on how to fix a flat bike tire 

The act of how to fix a flat tire on a bike involves 5 simple parts of the process.

  1. Removing the wheel.
  2. Taking off the tire.
  3. Changing the tube.
  4. Fixing the tire back onto the wheel.
  5. Returning the wheel onto the bike.
How to Remove and Install a Bicycle Tire & Tube

Part 1: Removing the Wheel

If you are wondering why there is a need at all to remove the wheel, it is because it will be an easier process to remove wheel off the bicycle. To remove the wheel, simply follow the procedure below:

  • The first thing will be to release the brakes before you take out the wheel. Most brakes have a quick release system, and these should be easy to disconnect. However, not all bicycles have the same type of brake systems, and therefore it may be wise to check yours to know how they function carefully.
  • Some brakes may need you to squeeze them together to disconnect the cable. If there are disc brakes on our bike, handle yourself carefully as you press the release lever. The rotors can grow ho enough to burn you.
  • With the brakes disengaged, the next step will be to take out the axle. Most modern bikes will have a quick-release lever for the axle thus check yours to see if it has one.
  • Removing the front wheel from the axle should be easy. For the rear wheel, however, proceed by shifting the chain onto the smallest cog. Turn your bike over and then turn the release lever of the axle to remove the wheel.
  • In some cases, you may need to unscrew the nuts on the opposite side. If the wheel still doesn’t come off, check the instruction manual as it may be held back by a retention device.

Part 2: Taking Out the Tire

The tube is located inside the tire which means you are going to have to remove the tire from the wheel first.

  • If there is still air inside your tube, you will have to deflate it before removing the tire.
  • To deflate the tube just press the pressure-release valve and wait out for the air to come out.
  • To remove the tire, push the edge of the tire on the rim inwards using your hands. If this doesn’t seem to work, use the tire levers.
  • While using the levers, start on the side far off from the valve as they can damage it. Use one end of the lever to pry up the tire and lift it over the edge of the rim.
  • If one lever doesn’t cut it, you can always use a second and a third until the tire comes off. While using the tire levers, be very careful so that you don’t inflict further damage to the inner tube.
  • Proceed to check the outside and the inside of the tire for any sharp objects such as nails or broken glass which could have punctured the tube.

Part 3: Changing the Inner Tube

  • With the tire finally out, removing the tube will be the next step. Start by taking it out at the valve then proceed to remove it all around the rim. Handle the tube carefully at the valve since it is very easy to damage the valve system.
  • Once the tube is out, the next step will be to find out the point where the tube got punctured. Fill the tube with a few pumps of air and then put it inside a basin or a container with water. Check where the air bubbles come out.
  • Now there are two options you can pick from in replacing the tube. You can fix the punctured one or completely replace it with a new one.
  • To repair the damaged tube, patch the hole up using a thin piece of rubber wide enough to cover the hole. Apply strong glue (vulcanizing fluid) so that it sticks onto the tube and let it dry off completely.
  • To replace the tube with a new one, read about the right size and type to use on the side of the tube or the instruction manual.
  • Before replacing the tube back into the tire put it back in the water and check to see that it has no punctures.
  • Inflate the tube a little to give it shape and make it easier to return it.
  • To return the tube into the tire, start by fixing it properly at the valve (make sure it’s straight and not at an angle) then proceed to push it into place around the rest of the tire.

Part 4: Fixing the Tire Back onto the Wheel

  • Start by making sure the rim sits properly within the tire.
  • Put one side of the tire onto the rim and fix it properly making sure there is no pinching.
  • With one side fixed in position push the tube properly inside and then proceed to put back the other side of the tire.
  • Pump in the air into the tube and be careful not to put in the excess air. Most tires will have indications of the recommended pressure.
  • If you don’t have a pressure gauge, use your thumb to press on the tire and feel the pressure building up inside.
  • Check for any pinching while you pump and fix the tire properly.

Part 5: Reinstalling the Wheel

  • Position the wheel in the right place and reinstall the axle.
  • Tighten the necessary bolts and reinstate the brakes.
  • Check to make sure the gears still work properly and the brakes too. If all is well, then you will have completed your effortless process to fix a flat bike tire.
  • All this said, there is nothing as straightforward as fixing a flat mountain bike tire. Whether you want to know how to repair a flat bike tire without a patch or changing a flat tire without tire levers, all the above steps should prove useful.


  • Never poke the tube with a tire lever. Tire levers can easily damage the fragile inner tube.
  • Handle the valve system with care. They are weak and easily get damaged.
  • If the damage on the tube is too extensive, do not patch it up but instead get a new tube.


  • If you don’t seem to find anything wrong with the tube or tire, check the valve system to see if it could be damaged or worn out. In case it’s not the valve system, then inspect the thin strip of the rim to see if the puncture could have been caused by protruding spokes.
  • Replacing the tube with a new one yields a better, stronger and durable wheel.
  • Tires usually have a line to indicate when the tire has been fixed properly after the air is pumped in. Always check for this line all through.


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Qsn: Are tire levers necessary in fixing a flat bike tire?
Ans: No, they aren’t, but they can prove to be very helpful for tires that are tightly fixed.

Qsn: My tube seems to be fine and so does my tire yet I keep getting a flat tire.
Ans: Check if the valve system is damaged or the spokes are the ones causing the puncture.

Qsn: Do I need to buy a new tube every time I fix a flat tire?
Ans: Not necessarily. However, make sure that the tube isn’t severely damaged before fixing it. New tubes are more expensive than fixing old ones, but they offer better service.

I hope you get the right information what you’re looking for on how to fix a flat bike tire on a mountain bike or road bike. By this process, you can easily solve the tire puncture problem in any place where needed. You don’t have to go back to the home to fix or replace bike tire.


Reference:  Quora, Canadian tire

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