How to Do a Wheelie on a Bike – Guided by Experts

How to Do a Wheelie

Wheelies are awesome and fun to do if you know how to do a wheelie on a bike properly without getting hurts.

They possess a thrill that makes bike riding enjoyable and wild. That tinge of danger as you are about to perform a wheelie on a bike comes with a rush of excitement no other activity offers.

How to Do a Wheelie on a Bike

Are you excited about learning how to do a wheelie on your mountain bike? You are about to be even more enthralled with just how easy it is to perform the charming move. You only need learn very few simple steps, and in no time, you will have all the info you need on to learn mountain bike wheelie.

 Process at a glance on Wheelie on a Bike 

  1. The Bike Adjustments
  2. Executing the Wheelie
  3. Maintaining the Balance
  4. Ending the Wheelie
How to wheelie a Mountain Bike

Key Points to Note Before Doing a Wheelie

  • Always make sure you wear a helmet. This is even more important if you are a beginner. In your attempts to learn how to wheelie on a mountain bike, there are high chances that you will probably fall several times before you perfect it. A helmet will help keep you safe from the impact of the falls.
  • Ensure that the brakes of your bike function 100% efficiently. It will assist in keeping you from falling back off your bike by bringing down the front wheel.
  • Choose a safe and comfortable terrain to practice your wheelie. If you are a doing it for the first time, it would be best if you went for the grassy, less rocky terrain. This way even when you fall, you will not get hurt.

Ensure the place is also an open field far from trees, ditches or posts.

 The 4 Effortless Steps to on Learning Wheelie on a Bike 

Phase 1: The Bike Adjustments

  • The first move will be to carry out adjustments to your bike’s seat so that it is in a low position. It will help you in maintaining your balance and center of gravity.
  • Next, adjust your bike to low gear(or medium if you prefer) and pedal at rolling. Do not peddle too fast or otherwise; it may become difficult for you to control the bike.

Phase 2: Executing the Wheelie

  • Crouch in such a way that you will shift your weight over the handlebars and then change your cranks to align in the 11:00 angle.
  • Peddle down and then lift your handlebars pulling them up at the same time. Simultaneously lean back while you continue to peddle. Do not lean back too much as this will cause you to topple over.
  • Adjust your sitting position to the tip of the seat and ensure you have a finger on the rear brake while the rest hold on to the handlebars with a firm grip. Keep feathering the brake (this helps in controlling the seed and keeps you from falling back).

Phase 3: Maintaining the Balance

  • As the front tire suspends in the air, let your muscles relax. Tensing them can make you stiffen up and have a tough time controlling your balance which will eventually get you fall.
  • Keep adjusting your body to maintain balance and ensure your center of gravity is always within the bicycle or otherwise you will fall to one side.
  • If your front wheel begins to fall, pedal and lean back to raise it higher. Use the rear brakes to lunge you forward if you feel you have leaned far back too much.
  • In controlling the sideways balance, stick out a knee or foot. Or you can turn the handlebars in the opposite direction.

Phase 4: Ending the Wheelie

  • Finally, to get out of the wheelie simply let the front wheel come down.

All these steps happen almost simultaneously so make sure you are readily prepared to perform them. Performing a wheelie on a mountain bike isn’t about thinking about the instructions. Following them, it’s all about letting yourself go and just doing it without much thought. Otherwise too much thinking will distract you from the real goal.

Even if you don’t manage it the first time, keep trying. Eventually, you will get the hang of it.


  • Preloading your front shocks helps a lot in lifting the front wheel up if it seems difficult.
  • Performing a wheelie on a full suspension bike is the most difficult.
  • As you are learning to do wheelies, try doing them in places where there is less human traffic.
  • Always remember to put on protective gear.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Question: What can I do if my bike is too heavy?
Answer: Trying a wheelie on a heavy mountain bike may prove more difficult but if you pedal harder, you should be able to do it over time.

Question: Can I perform a wheelie if I am overweight?
Answer: Of course. Wheelies are for everyone. Remember, bicycle riding is a fantastic way of losing weight. So, keep riding and soon enough you will be wheeling around as if you were born for it.

Question: Is it necessary for a bike to have a suspension for it to be able to do a wheelie?
Answer: Any bike can do a wheelie, it’s only that it may be easier with some bikes than with others. Bikes without suspension may actually prove to be the best for performing wheelies with.

I hope this step by step guide on how to do a wheelie on a bike will help you to learn properly to do a wheelie on your mountain bike.

Reference: QuoraFADER


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