
Category Archives for "Mountain Bike"

Diamondback Overdrive Pro 29er Review

Diamondback Overdrive Pro 29er introduction Diamondback is a company with a good reputation when it comes to bicycle manufacture. Since venturing into the market in the early 1970s, the company has come a long way in establishing and maintaining its brand’s reputation. Actually, awesome bikes cost money. Such bikes are not only expert rated but […]


Diamondback Cobra 24 Review : Pro’s & Con’s

How good is the Diamondback Cobra 24? Getting the perfect bicycle for your young man can be a challenging task. Especially bearing in mind the nature of small boys, being playful and adventurous, you will hassle hard before finding the perfect choice. Diamondback Cobra 24 inch bike won’t be a bad choice. To begin, kids […]


Diamondback Catch 1 Review | Pro’s & Con’s

Introduction to the Diamondback Catch 1 The Diamondback Catch 1 Complete Ready Ride Full Suspension Mountain Bicycle is the latest addition to the manufacturer’s trail bicycles. It comes with great features which are a combination of the best. Manufacturers combined the new level link suspension system with some well-sorted geometry and outstanding componentry. Don’t mistake […]

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