
Category Archives for "Mountain Bike"

Diamondback Release 3 Review | Pro’s & Con’s

Introduction to the Diamondback Release 3 There is certainly no bicycle manufacturer making great improvement strides like Diamondback. They always awe with every new model released to the market. From the initial Diamondback’s Mission Pro to the latest model, Diamondback Release 3 Full Suspension Mountain Bicycle, much can be noted. Of much concern is the […]


Diamondback Sorrento Review | Pro’s & Con’s

Introduction to the Diamondback Sorrento There have been improvements in different features that everyone can get when searching for a mountain bike. This is due to the increase in the popularity of mountain biking and the number of people who just want to get some adventure. The Diamondback Sorrento Hardtail bike is a result of […]


Stowabike Review – Pro’s & Con’s

What is a Stowabike? A stowabike is simply a bike that folds and is also an MTB. How do you spice up your city riding escapades during the weekend? Nothing feels good more than spending your leisure time enjoying your favorite physical activity. Did you know that Stowabike 26 MTB V2 Folding Mountain Bike takes […]
